Welcome to the tutorial for Tumblr as a supplement to the book Piece of the Fame: Rockstar Social Media Marketing Strategy for Everyone to Ignite Your Business, Career and Personal Brand.As I discussed in Piece of the Fame, Tumblr is an extremely simple-to-use blogging platform with a great publishing interface that allows you to easily and quickly share all kinds of content. Additionally, the platform is really socially optimized, so all of the Tumblr blogs operate as kind of a loose network, with tools to connect to other publishers with one click. Some of the features feel almost Twitter-like, but without the constraints for length of posts. As I've seen it, Tumblr is evolving into somewhat of a visual arts and fashion niche, and can be extremely powerful for connecting with others in that community. Otherwise, it's a really quick and respectable way to establish your web presence in the form of your own blog.
The video that follows is a tutorial that will help you get set up in no time.
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