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Welcome to the tutorial for Meetup as a supplement to Piece of the Fame: Rockstar Social Media Marketing for Everyone to Ignite Your Business, Career and Personal Brand.

As I discussed in Piece of the Fame, Meetup is a very powerful tool to connect with people local to you that share an interest related to your brand.  I recently started a Zumba class (yes, teaching) and attracted my class attendees solely through my Meetup group and personal contacts.  In case you're curious, the Meetup link is here.

This video below gives you an overview of how to use Meetup, from getting set up to establishing your first Meetup.  Different from many of the other social media platforms, the objective of Meetup is to specifically organize around an in-personal meeting of the people that you connect with.

And this video that follows gives a detailed explanation on how to organize your own Meetup.  The process is really quite simple, and you have limited options to customize the appearance of your meetup page, and of course you specify how the text reads.  My Meetup for Zumba (Fit Party) was quite popular for the LA market, so you might want to reference that as well for ideas.  The link is above and also here.

Finally, if you find that you're stuck, you can always visit http://www.meetup.com/help for more information and ways to get "un-stuck."  

That should be enough to get you started!  Check back from time to time and I'll keep updating this page with new information or in response to questions that I receive.  Enjoy and Best of Luck!
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