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Welcome to the tutorial for LinkedIn as a supplement to the book Piece of the Fame: Rockstar Social Media Marketing Strategy for Everyone to Ignite Your Business, Career and Personal Brand.

The following video will show you as a beginner how to get your account set up and take the first steps in establishing your LinkedIn profile.

This next video was produced by LinkedIn and it is a quick overview of the steps that you should take to ensure that your profile is 100% complete.  Also, it has a brief discussion of how LinkedIn shows up in search results, which as we discussed in Piece of the Fame, is a huge advantage that you get by participating on the LinkedIn platform.

Finally, there's a new mobile application that LinkedIn has created called CardMunch.  I think that it's really cool.  This last video is a demonstration of that application and how you can use it to convert your physical business cards into well-organized digital contacts.

That should be enough to get you started with LinkedIn!  Be sure to check back from time to time, as I will continue to update the tutorial with new information as well as add on with videos demonstrating other features. Enjoy and Best of Luck!
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