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Welcome to the tutorial for Kickstarter as a supplement to the book Piece of the Fame: Rockstar Social Media Marketing Strategy for Everyone to Ignite Your Business, Career and Personal Brand.

As I discussed in Piece of the Fame, Kickstarter is an amazing platform to launch a creative project.  It allows you to tap into your baed of close connections and really enable the people that know you, like you, and most importantly love you, to support you and your worthwhile endeavor.  I like Kickstarter because it has a great, robust community of funders who actively participate on the platform, funding projects at random that they like.  So, with Kickstarter, you might just get support from people that you've never met!  I talk about Kickstarter quite a bit in Piece of the Fame, for those that are creatively inclined and for good reason - the platform lives up to its name!  

The video that follows is a tutorial created by a person whose project was successfully funded on Kickstarter.  So this should give you an idea of how to set up a winning campaign for your own efforts.

And as I referenced in Piece of the Fame, you should check out the previous projects on Kickstarter for ideas on how to build your own.  Here's a link to the collection of Most Funded Projects and another link to the collection of the Currently Popular Projects.

As I come across good examples from Kickstarter, I'll post them here, so check back from time to time to see what's new for this tutorial.

Enjoy and Best of Luck!
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