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Entries filed in Marketing Winners

 Enjoy the very first webisode of "Piece of the Fame: Rockstar Social Media," titled "What Is Social Media?" As the term "social media" starts to become saturated, we at Piece of the Fame thought that the best place to start...  READ MORE
I swear that it was providence that brought the release date of Red Tails and its associated marketing campaign so close to the release date for Piece of the Fame: Rockstar Social Media Marketing for Everyone to Ignite Your Business, Career and Personal Brand. I don't know how many pieces of the campaign touched you personally, but if you put it all together, you have an incredible blueprint for your own marketing efforts, very much in line with my recommendations in my book. To date, RedTails, the film that no one thought would succeed, has grossed $41 Million at the box office. I attribute this to absolutely incredible marketing savvy.   READ MORE