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This is only fitting to be my first blog post at my brand spanking new website.  I am overjoyed to announce that my very first book (or my second, or my third, depending how you know me) is live and available on Amazon.com.  Maybe it's a major endeavor to write and publish a book, but if you knew the story of how I got here, you'd really understand the sense of accomplishment I feel, having done what I set out to do against the most immeasurable of obstacles.  To make things fair to those reading, many of whom are meeting me for the first time, and likely even more who know me already and are giving me the courtesy of their time in reading my thoughts, I figured I'd give you the story of how I came to write this book.

First, I left my position at Atom Digital at the end of November, 2011.  I knew that the only thing that made sense for me at this point was to hang my consulting shingle at the top of 2012, but that just didn't seem like enough.  See, for the preceding 4 years at UMG working in digital strategy, and the past year working with Lady Gaga, Greyson Chance, Mindless Behavior, Mary J Blige for a bit, Willow Smith for a second, launching the digital "Gaga's Workshop" campaign for Barneys New York, spending days and days meeting with startup CEO's, VC's, and tech gurus, I had just collected way too much knowledge to file it away, only to be brought out for special occasions.  People need what I know, all people and not just musicians.  I realized that, and as such, I decided that I would spend December writing a book.  My objective was to neatly organize all that I knew, discovered, practiced and learned about social media marketing and brand development into a nice paperback...in less than 60 days.  That's right, I made the decision on Sunday, December 3rd, 2011 to write the book, sitting in the middle of church.  My intended publication date was February 1, 2012.

[ Read more at JauniqueSealey.com ]
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